Featured Products
Pier Paolo Pasolini, La rabbia / Anger ('And the class of woollen black shawls' ... )£17.50
Kyra Simone, Palace of Rubble (Zuma)£16.50
Jeffrey Vallance, A Voyage to Extremes: Selected Spiritual Writings (Fowl Play)£26.50
SJ Fowler, Mueum (on Shift)£16.50
Yasmine Seale & Robin Moger, Agitated Air (松林図 屏風, ‘Shōrin-zu byōbu’)£16.50
The Liberated Film Club (The Glasgow Herald)£18.50
Joan Brossa, El saltamartí (at Paseo de Gracia & Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes)£17.50
Legible Returns & Worn Spines (Discounted, Damaged Stock)£18.00 / On Sale
Tenement Insignia (T-Shirt)£35.00
Last Movies (Theatrical Posters), ℅ purge.xxx£35.00
'Total Overcomers' / Heaven's Gate (T-Shirt, ℅ purge.xxx)£30.00